Addiction Treatment Center: Prescription Drug Abuse on the Rise

Prescription drug abuse on the rise
Filed under: addiction treatment center

In exchange for completing treatment, Sanders said his criminal charges were dropped. After two years sober and clean from drug abuse Sanders, now 35 years old, works at Herring Houses treatment center in Dothan. “I'd been trying for 10 or 12 years to …


Addiction treatment for transgender people
Filed under: addiction treatment center

A one-of-a-kind treatment center where transgender people can free themselves of addictions is about to open in Philadelphia. By Don Sapatkin (left) and Zerandrian Morris in a lounge at the eight-bed Morris Home, in the Southwest section of the city.


Thousands treated annually for addiction
Filed under: addiction treatment center

Lin, 60, of a Raceland resident, recently returned from her second stay at the state's free inpatient treatment plan for compulsive gambling, Center of Recovery in Shreveport. It's been three months since she's last gambled.


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