Substance Abuse Certification: Chief: 'Far Too Many' Problems Originate on South Street

Chief: 'Far too many' problems originate on South Street
Filed under: substance abuse certification

… closing time is just one aspect of the mayor's initiative. On Jan. 29, the city, in conjunction with the Council for Prevention of Alcohol and Substance Abuse, will conduct a free voluntary training program for bar employees about how to recognize …


SEN. JOHN KEENAN: Toward a responsible medical marijuana program
Filed under: substance abuse certification

After receiving a certification from a doctor, who doesn't even have to be from Massachusetts, a person gets a “registration card” for life, allowing possession of a 60-day supply of marijuana, obtained at dispensaries that likely will be, as in other …
Source Calendar
Filed under: substance abuse certification

The staff is comprised of psychiatrists, registered nurses and certified social workers. Call 822-6111. •An outpatient substance abuse agency offering a Parenting Group. This group specializes in parenting issues for substance abusers. While drug use …


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