Cocaine Addiction Treatments: Is Alcohol or Weed Worse for You?

Question by shining girl: Is alcohol or weed worse for you?
I’ve always wondered if one is worse than the other for your health and if so why?

Best answer:

Answer by D
booze kills your liver weed just makes you high

What do you think? Answer below!

Police beat man in Atlanta officer shooting
Filed under: cocaine addiction treatments

Nance was charged with aggravated assault, being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm, cocaine possession and other offenses. Police have opened an internal investigation into the arrest, which is standard procedure any time an officer's gun …


Officials Consider Radical Measures against Brazil's "Crackland"
Filed under: cocaine addiction treatments

Now, in an effort to "clean-up" the city ahead of the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics, officials are pushing for the compulsory treatment of crack-cocaine addicts living in the streets. Health officials, assisted by armed police, would try to …


13 Secrets the Weight Loss Pros Don't Tell You
Filed under: cocaine addiction treatments

While food is not addictive the way cocaine or alcohol is, there are some uncanny similarities. When subjects at Monell Chemical Senses … hungry even though we aren't – and so we eat. Sleep may be the cheapest and easiest obesity treatment there is. 10.


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