Archive for the ‘Substance Abuse’ Category
What Is Wrong With Me?
Question by : What is wrong with me?
My life was normal before i was bullied and then i got an anxiety disorder.I am now homeschooled i have alot of panicattacks and stuff but i was on my sisters iPod Touch playing fun games and felt i could sense something in my room and the frist thing that came to my head was my uncle (he died).
he didnt die in my house though but i cant see him only in my head?is this a mental illness help plz?its annoying me and i cant stop crying over it cuz it wont go away.
Im only 13 to
Best answer:
Answer by Nico Ace
I’d recommend going to a professional and not posting this in the LGBT section.
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Signs of Substance Abuse: What Causes You to Sleep Talk?
Question by Kevin Turner: What causes you to sleep talk?
Recently, my mom has tried waking me up from naps. But when she wakes me up; I’m in the middle of my dream, and I’m still asleep. But I’m still able to know what’s going on around me. So when my mom wakes me up, and start shouting gibberish from my dream and start moving around my room like I was doing in my dream. Within a few minutes, I come to my senses and realize that I’m sleep talking / sleep walking, and notice my family laughing at me for my sleep talking / sleep walking.
What causes this? Is there any way to prevent it?
Best answer:
Answer by K W
Sleep talking usually occurs by itself and is most often harmless. However, in some cases, it might be a sign of a more serious sleep disorder or health condition.
Substance Abuse Courses: Is It Normal, Should I Do Something About It?
Question by : is it normal, should i do something about it?
to feel unlucky or not thankful to almost everything
just because at this point, my life isn’t how i imagined it would be
i got no bf, and the one i was with is not my fiance, no friends, job
anything really!
i had a job but i quit to work on masters degree but now i have no classes .. so !
but really
every day i feel more sad than the day before
even though i try to have happy thoughts
but there is nothing to be happy about
i didn’t say that friends or masters or a job will make me happy ofcourse.. but those thing will help to get pass of what is i am doing in my life.. or where i wanna be.. happiness is with in i know but no help or any hope anymore
Substance Abuse Alcohol: My Sisters Wedding & Alcohol?
Question by Brittney: My sisters wedding & alcohol?
Ok here’s the deal, I’m 22 years old
I’ve gotten into a bit of trouble in the past year with drugs and because of that I did rehab and now attend NA meetings
I live with my parents and so I do this for them
I am very respectful of them and grateful; they do a lot for me
While I’m under their roof, I cannot drink
However this is not MY choice, it’s not at all what I want so it’s very VERY hard for me
But I have to stay strong and continue to not drink for them
Today is my sisters wedding
I didn’t go to the bachelorette party, I didn’t go out with everyone last night, I’m missing out on all the fun
It’s my sisters day, it’s not about me, so I’m keeping it to myself. However I feel as though I may burst into tears at any moment
I want to drink at the wedding. I want a glass of wine that’s it, I’m not gonna go crazy
I just want to have fun like everyone else, I want to feel normal
Also Im a very shy person and it upsets me so badly that everyone will be drinking and dancing and I won’t be able to let lose like they will
I talked to my mom about it and she didn’t even try to understand, she just said that I would ruin the wedding if I drank
How can I deal with this? I just want to be happy for my sister and not be thinking about this but i can’t help it it’s all that’s on my mind and I’m on the verge of tears
Substance Abuse Alcohol: Three Years Sober Considering Drinking Again?
Question by fromthegroundup: Three years sober considering drinking again?
I have been sober from alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs since May 26, 2009. I must admit that life has been pretty unbelievable since. I am now in college, honors program, have since found many hobbies such as photography (night clubs, weddings, events), bicycling, hiking, hang gliding, ultimate frisbee, fishing, swimming, and other things that make me happy. Sobriety has helped me dramatically change my life.
Prior to sobriety my life was an incredible mess. I was a depressed socially awkward loser who was hiding from life via alcohol. You might ask “Then why on Earth would you even consider drinking?”
Substance Abuse Treatment: What Are Some Good and Gory Macabre Books?
Question by KaylaSaysWhat?: what are some good and gory macabre books?
I’m looking for some sick, dark, gory, macabre, and messed up books. Anything morbid and sick about drugs, sexual abuse, violence, murder, suicide, etc. will work. *not recovery guides or sob stories, just sick and cruel books.
Best answer:
Answer by moviefreak22
The Forest of hands and teeth might satisfy the gory parts a little.Im not sure who the author is but i bet you could find it if you googled it. ive heard of a book called glass.. or at least that was one of the books to the series.. about a crack of meth addict..
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Substance Abuse Treatment: Healthcare professionals vs. Non-healthcare professionals
Substance Abuse Among Healthcare Professionals.
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