Military-Sexual-Trauma Syndrome

Military-Sexual-Trauma Syndrome
Filed under: substance abuse hotline

(The difference between the outcomes for college graduates and vets does not lie in the relative availability of services: College rape crisis centers and hotlines are barely used.) I am not even aware of claims that victims of stranger rape … But …


Valley community calendar
Filed under: substance abuse hotline

Behavioral Health Therapist Audrey Reich will present on elder abuse. LA JARA — Please join the Conejos Writers ….. ALAMOSA — La Puente recently started a program for homeless veterans struggling with substance abuse and/or mental illness. The six …


What is Mental Health First Aid?
Filed under: substance abuse hotline

A drug overdose could look like a suicide attempt, rather than a substance abuse issue or a person trying to dull the pain of recurring trauma. A mental health … If you feel someone is suicidal, ask them to call or offer to call a suicide hotline …


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