Determining Alcoholism Risk Proves Complicated Endeavor

Determining Alcoholism Risk Proves Complicated Endeavor
Filed under: teenage substance abuse

Multiple twin studies in the United States and Norway show that the genetics of alcohol use disorder are closely allied with those for other externalizing diagnoses, such as drug abuse, conduct disorder, and antisocial personality disorder, said …


PATH gets grant for in-school health centers
Filed under: teenage substance abuse

Pender Alliance for Teen Health (PATH) learned Friday that it has been awarded a grant of nearly $ 500,000 to make school-based health centers at three Pender County schools a reality over the next two years. The funds, dispersed by the Health …


Dr. David Sack, Promises Treatment Centers: Signs a Teen is Abusing Drugs | KNBC-LA

Dr. David Sack, CEO of Promises Treatment Centers gives advice on what signs to look for in teens who may be abusing drugs. This is a segment every parent, sibling and relative should watch. “This is a wakeup call to every parent – it’s critical that they intervene early because teen brains are more vulnerable to its harmful effects,” according to NBC4 Medical Editor Dr. Bruce Hensel. Johanna Rodriguez was 16 when she went through treatment at Phoenix House, for methamphetamine addiction. “No one knew that every morning, Johanna had to get out of bed and take a hit of her pipe in order to make it to school. I spend my lunch in the bathroom getting high,” Rodriguez said. Dr. David Sack of Promises treatment Centers says he has seen an increase in teenage substance abuse in the last three years and parents should look for big shifts in behavior.


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