Which Rehab Works Best?

Question by momisthecoolone: which rehab works best?
my 15 1/2 yr old daughter has been smoking cigarettes and pot, and tried (only once mom!!) coke. she has been in therapy. Is it time for outpt drug therapy or just bootcamp school? any one with similar situation that found an answer that worked, please reply. thanks

Best answer:

Answer by melodyanne1
the rehab that works is the rehab that SHE WANTS to do! You can not force someone on something that they don’t want.
Plus in my stay at Starlight in Centerpoint Texas i felt like they were brainwashing me.
It is up to both of you. I personally think 15 is way to young for a rehab canter. Maybe just from my point of view i saw a lot of 18 year olds that were just there cause it was court ordered and planned on doing drugs and smoking the day they got out.
I think that you need to have a long hard talk with her. I am serious, kids are going to do what they want and i Bet all the money in my bank that she won;t stop until she wants to. Ask her why she does it and shat aobut the drugs and cigaretts make her feel good. She is probably doing it because of peer pressure.
Try to get her to find new friends or maybe spend more time doing thigs with her after school. Get her into activities (ones she likes) so she won’t have and idle mind and idle hands!!! KNow what i mean?
You can take her to ALANON and AA or NA. Get her involved with the people in there and have them tell her the horror stories theyve been through.
Hearing some of the stories in rehab about drugs like heroin made me sick! The people were “addicted” and bad to where they through away their lives and ruined their bodies over it. Show her what happens in real life if she ends up doing those drugs.
Ok, enough rambling, i hope i helped you atlast a little
good luck!

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