Tampa Bay High Schools Undergo 3-Week Takeover to Combat Prescription

Tampa Bay High Schools Undergo 3-week Takeover To Combat Prescription
Filed under: drug abuse and addiction

By WAKE UP! ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Nov. 8, 2012 — /PRNewswire/ — Teen prescription drug abuse and addiction has become a national epidemic, and Tampa Bay students are in as much danger as other teens across the country. Two Tampa Bay schools …


Officers Still Fighting Prescription Drug Abuse
Filed under: drug abuse and addiction

A lot of officers are on the street to fight the synthetic drug problems, but they're also still trying to combat prescription drug addiction. Prescription drug abuse can be found among people of all ages. Some get hooked on the pills after they've …


Bradford Health Services – Drug Addiction

Recovery Moments While the path to drug addiction begins with the voluntary act of taking drugs, in time,with repeated use, many people lose the ability to choose. The addicted person can become focused on seeking and consuming drugs to the exclusion of everything else. Addiction is a brain disease that affects the brain in many ways, including reward and motivation, learning and memory, and inhibitory control over behavior. Drug abuse and addiction can disrupt many aspects of an individual’s life. Effective treatment programs use various components to address a particular aspect of the illness and its consequences. Addiction treatment and 12-Step Programs can help individuals stop using drugs, maintain a drug-free lifestyle, and improve social and behavior interactions in the family, at work, and in society. Addiction is a chronic disease and generally people cannot simply stop using drugs for a few days and be magically cured. Most patients require sustained therapy or long-term care to achieve recovery. Thank you for watching this short video and taking the first step to build a solid foundation to recovery. A foundation built on knowledge, love and compassion. We want you, your family and friends to live a life free from addiction. A life full of Hope. Help is out there. Don’t miss the opportunity to reach out for help. Be prepared with the knowledge and a plan to change a life in an amazing and positive way. For immediate help call Bradford Health Services 888.577


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