Suboxone: Who Is a Good Doctor Who Can Offer Suboxone Treatment in Orange County CA?

Question by FiddleFaddlexyz: Who is a good doctor who can offer suboxone treatment in orange county CA?
I do not have insurance so I need to know that the first doctor I try will be a good one. I don’t know where to start. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Lone
Good doctors don’t offer Suboxone maintenance…A good doctor sends you to an inpatient facility where they use suboxone for a week to 10 days only and they send you home clean. Suboxone “therapy” is just replacing one opiate with another. it doesn’t fix anything, and it only makes your world better for a short time. Then when the Suboxone stops working, and it will, you will have a worse addiction than you started with, and a much longer detox.

Talk to some people who used Suboxone and are now clean…if you can find any.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Best way to get off suboxone video#2 2years later (wiser) chlorophyll btw not clorophome my mistake

Here are some more ways to ease your suboxone withdrawal I have learned in the past two years Thank u for the positive feedback.


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