Psycho Won’t Leave Me Alone..what Do I Do?

Question by Erin: Psycho won’t leave me alone..what do i do?
I have a manipulative, blackmailing ex friend. He is actually psycho. Last time he pissed me off..he sent me threatening e-mails. He was like “i will tell everyone you told me this or that” if i didn’t talk to him. He is obsessive. Had enough of his bull shit. I blocked him off facebook, email and blocked his text messages. He could still call. He could send me e-mails from a new email account. I set my facebook so that only friends can send me a message, but he has another facebook account that is deactivated , therefore he may still be on my friends list if he reactivates and could message me. I may not be able to delete him if he keeps deactivating it after he messages me. What do i do? I’m actually scared of him. I used to work at the same place as him but i quit. I still talk to people from work though and he is probably going to go around telling everyone stuff i said like he threatened to. A lot of people don’t like him there, but i;m still worried. I regret telling him all this stuff before he went crazy. What should I do? He makes me feel so guilty and such a bad person 🙁 he was addicted to painkillers and said he “used me as a replacement from opiates”. HELP!

Best answer:

Answer by Caleb Hulett
Depending on how old he is, you could call the cops on him. You shouldn’t be afraid of what people think or say aboutyou. Especially if it’s not true. So just straight up tell him to do it. Look him right inthe eye to tell those people whatever and he’ll know it won’t work cause your not scared of it.

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