Archive for the ‘Opiate Addiction’ Category

Which Rehab Works Best?

Question by momisthecoolone: which rehab works best?
my 15 1/2 yr old daughter has been smoking cigarettes and pot, and tried (only once mom!!) coke. she has been in therapy. Is it time for outpt drug therapy or just bootcamp school? any one with similar situation that found an answer that worked, please reply. thanks

Best answer:

Addiction Rehab: ATHEISTS Your Opinion Please!!?

Question by sam jackson: ATHEISTS your opinion please!!?
A person realizes he has a drug addiction
and its ruining his life. He knows it in his
heart and his family is also aware of his addiction so one day he says “I want to go to rehab”. His family says “you cant talk about going to rehab because you’ve done drugs before”. Should he not go to rehab because of that reason?
Dilligaf” I just did.

Best answer:

Answer by Fireball
no he still needs it..

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Drug Addiction Rehab Lansing MI | Drug Abuse Center Lansing MI | Drug Addiction Rehab Lansing MI Drug Addiction Detox Centers Lansing, MI’s rehab facilities are prepared to hel…


Related Addiction Rehab Information…

What Is an Opiate: Does Oxycontin &Loratab Come Up the Same Thing in a Drug Test?

Question by outlaw_208: does Oxycontin &loratab come up the same thing in a drug test?

Best answer:

Answer by pickle015
They would both turn up as the positive in a drug test under “opiates” as OxyContin has oxycodone and Lortab has hydrocodone, both of which are opiates.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Recorded on May 2, 2012 using a Flip Video camera.


Related What Is An Opiate Information…

Addicts for Drugs Have Detoxes… How Can I Go About to Help “other” Types of Addictions to Have a Safe Rehab?

Question by A W: Addicts for drugs have detoxes… how can I go about to help “other” types of addictions to have a safe rehab?
drug addicted people have drug rehab places to go to when they need help… is there any thing I can do to try to have people in the higher political offices help other offenders have a safe place to go to help themselves before they end up in trouble? Any suggestions on how to go about this?
I have run into many people that are offenders and they have stated to me that if there was a safe place to go before they offended… they would not have offended the way they did and … this will also help society to have safe havens for these people to go and get the help they need in a safe… secretive way… any suggestions would be great… thanks

People Who Smoke Marijuana, Why Do You Smoke It?

Question by Richie: People who smoke Marijuana, why do you smoke it?
I’m not being judging or anything. I just want to know what it feels like, and what the pros and cons are of it.

Best answer:

Answer by ..
It relaxes me, and I like it because I’m generally a very tense person. Also, it helps when you want to think rationally about something that is difficult for you. The cons: its ingesting smoke, affects memory, makes me stumble over my words a lot while high, and the muchies if you get an indica

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Ray Lucas: From Opioid Dependence to Recovery

Ray Lucas, a former professional football quarterback, tells his story about opioid prescription painkiller addiction and committing to recovery. Listen to R…


Related Painkiller Addiction Information…

So, One Day I Am Going to Have to Get Help and Begin Attending AA Meetings?

Question by Lucy in the Sky: So, one day I am going to have to get help and begin attending AA meetings?
Unless I have the strength to escape this disease on my own,
but I was curious if there are any programs dedicated to recovering alcoholics for atheists? I know there has to be, but how common are they? have people known to find them effective?
I don’t believe in any higher power… So I guess I can’t be apart of the group huh!? damnnn
ok must i also clarify that i don’t believe in demons either? that’s not what the question was about, but your assumptions are humorous.
& Also, I will absolutely be drinking it down during the holidays because how the hell else will i deal with my family!

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