Archive for the ‘Opiate Addiction’ Category
Will Herione and Vicodin Show Up as the Same Thing on a Drug Test….?
Question by Eugene: Will Herione and vicodin show up as the same thing on a drug test….?
Best answer:
Answer by finaldx
Depends on the test they use. Heroin and vicodin will both show up as “opiates” on a rough screening test, but more sophisticated tests can determine the difference.
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Demerol Withdrawal and Demerol Detox Demerol Withdrawal & Demerol Detox. Call our recovery helpline 800-839-1682 24 hours a day. We’ll discuss the the best treatment options…
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Addiction Therapy: Finding a LGBT Friendly Therapist?
Question by D: Finding a LGBT friendly therapist?
I’m 31 years old, and most likely gay. However, I’m having trouble accepting it. How can I find an LGBT friendly therapist that I can talk with about this?
I guess what I meant to say is someone who specializes in LGBT issues. Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by yooo, lol, not
all therapists are trained to be professional, and listen to your problems and solve them. so therefor, all of them will be lgbt friendly, even if they do not agree with it.
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low sugar diet.addiction to stop sugar to stop eating sugar.drug addiction ,low sugar diet.addiction to stop sugar to stop eating sugar.drug addiction,sugar add…
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Opinion on Suboxone Therapy?
Question by Taunya and Justin: Opinion on Suboxone therapy?
I have been addicted to opiates (pills only) for a little over 3 years on and off. Got clean by tapering down in May and just relapsed again with a kidney stone and surgery 8 weeks ago. My doctor finally said Suboxone was perfect for me. I didn’t take the Percocet and Lortab illegally or in high quantities, but the withdrawals from trying it cold turkey were too much to stand. Does anyone have an opinion? Also, I have taken Zoloft and Lorazepam for years now for depression and generalized Anxiety Disorder with occasional panic attacks. All of the information I have read says it is very dangerous to mix these with the Suboxone. Yet my doctor AND the pharmacist (who might I add has also been clean from Heroin for 15 years , YEAH!!) said it is fine as long as I don’t abuse the medicines and take more than I am prescribed. My tolerance apparently to the lorazepam is high enough to where the suboxone might make me a little drowsy, but that’s all. Just wanting some honest advice….Thanks, God Bless All~
Can the person and /or people who have answered negatively about the suboxone give me some contact information so I can talk to you? Just a plain email, nothing personal. I just am soooo super confused. I’ve taken it for 2 days and like you mentioned it works great except for the mood swings it causes. I have NEVER heard about this being so dangerous. Please please contact me….
Im Confused Help Me Here Please?
Question by Bella Vietla: Im confused help me here please?
Im going through alot of pain right now im going through drugs withdrawls from heroin and oxycontin and my boyfriend broke up with me for lieing to him….He wants me to change but of course i want to change for myself anyways he wanted to see me today to see how i was doing so i saw him today and it was the best day of my life he told me loves me and if im really going to be a good girl and i said yes iam cause after all that ive been through im ready to go back to the better me so yeah i just want to know do u think he wants to take me back or idk i need help here im confused????by the way we also had sex too!!!!!!
Best answer:
Opiate Withdrawals: Question About Mimi From the Movie RENT?
Question by Cayla: Question about Mimi from the movie RENT?
Ok, so I know she was a heroin addict…but I’m still a little confused. The stage version makes everything a little more understanding but I still have questions. Like during “Without You” they show various scenes like where Mimi is getting drugs from The Man behind the back alley and Roger finds her and we don’t know what they are saying however. Which kind of makes me upset. And another scene during the song it shows Mimi shivering and sweating(a cold sweat?) over a bathtub and then it shows Roger carrying her back into his apartment and them talking again, which we cant hear. -_- But my question about that scene is if Mimi’s cold sweat(?) is due to drug with drawl or the drugs itself. I’ve been looking for these answers for a couple days without any luck. Could someone please further educate me on Mimi’s character in the movie RENT and perhaps tell me about Roger’s withdrawal from drugs(like did he just stay in his room the whole time and didn’t speak to anyone?) and HIV/Aids? I know it has been a long time since this movie came out but I’m absolutely in love with it and cannot get these questions out of my head. I’m from a very different generation that the characters within this movie. Thanks in advance!
Depression and School Work?
Question by Matt F: Depression and school work?
I am 15 years old. There is one month of school left and I have four projects plus football practice every day. Usually I could handle this no problem. But here’s the thing: I used to smoke pot–and please don’t criticize me about this, I am really not in the mood– but I’ve stopped for my girlfriend. It’s been about two weeks now, and I think I am suffering depression as a side effect of marijuana withdrawal. I have no other noticeable side effects. I’ve seriously just stopped caring about everything. I have a project due tomorrow and I have yet to start on it. Any advice or things that I can do to get myself to work? Please hurry. And thank you.
I’ve maintained straight A’s all year without any difficulty. Now, I don’t know if I can keep this up. I’m also usually very happy. I can’t even remember the last time I wasn’t happy.