Letter: Cured of Hockey Addiction, Thanks to Gary Bettman

Letter: Cured of hockey addiction, thanks to Gary Bettman
Filed under: addiction therapy

I can assure you, it was not a picnic: I went cold turkey — more than 100 days of agony and stress, but thanks especially to Gary Bettman, a veritable miracle worker in the field of addiction therapy, I can now move forward with my life without the …


What Oprah knows for sure (with video)
Filed under: addiction therapy

Her global group therapy sessions have guided us through times of stress, depression and recession, and have helped us face up to our fear of fatness and angst over aging. They have examined racism, family dysfunction, child abuse, addiction …


KIM SMITH: Help curb fatal drug abuse with alternative techniques
Filed under: addiction therapy

Therefore, "We can increase the power of this painkilling effect and even decrease the use of opiates in general, and consequently avoid their side effects, including addiction." For the past several years, I successfully have … The Department of …


How does the Harm Reduction Approach Work in Addiction Therapy?

www.HabitDoc.com – CALL (888)-42HABIT (888-224-2248) How does the Harm Reduction Approach Work in Addiction Therapy? http In the harm reduction model, again, anything in a positive direction is seen as positive. There is nothing in harm reduction that doesn’t suggest that abstinence might be good, but it’s not necessarily a criteria. When you walk into a treatment center and it’s not harm reduction based, you’re asked to become abstinent immediately. There is no conceptualization of anything short of 100% stopping. In the harm reduction model, reducing the amount, frequency, the dangerousness of the method you’re using to obtain your drug or whatever it may be, it’s seen as progress. It unfolds, and you may stop treatment well before you achieve complete abstinence, and that’s alright. How does the Harm Reduction Approach Work in Addiction Therapy?


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