Is Left and Right Politicking Just Another Opiate ?

Question by Sitizen X: Is Left and Right Politicking Just another opiate ?
A great many people are not interested in politics which seems strange to someone who is… but that is a fact, especially I believe in the US … But if you believe that there is a globalist inevitability, then isn’t right and left name calling just a preoccupation for those of us that want to be involved? there is no system without both,.. the fact that we can sit at our PC’s and type endless rhetoric is very liberal, in a truly conservative society that wouldn’t happen..
is this our Monday night football?

Best answer:

Answer by The law is a form of tyranny.
“…is this our Monday night football?”

Yes it is. There is a reason why 40%-50% of the population does not vote and it has nothing to do with their ignorance.

And- B.Kevorkian is right also, that is why I chose your Monday Night Football comparison- I’m a Bears fan and Monday Night football makes me feel dirty and bad.

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