I Took Tramadol for 9 Days to Get Me Through Opiate Withdrawl?

Question by robyn p: I took tramadol for 9 days to get me through opiate withdrawl?
It’s been 10 days since I’ve eaten an opiate and 2 days since I took tramadol. I’m so weak and feel awful. Did I prolong my withdrawal? When will it stop? I thought after 10 days I was feeling good. Now what?!

Best answer:

Answer by Emily
May I ask how long you've been using opiates? And are you under 25yo?
Tramadol probably didn't prolong your withdrawal, perhaps it numbed the painful effects. How long you'll be feeling this way depends upon how long you've used, your tolerance and age. I've a friend who was a long time opiate user who's just getting off, because he was started on them (by a doctor) young, it's been 20 years of agony to get off.
What I suggest is you drink ginger tea for the nausea (or you could use meds like gravol), and you could brew poppy seed tea to try to wean yourself. Some poppy seeds have been rinsed of the opioid-cannabanoid that rests on the outside of the seed, so this may not work first try. While I don't condone recreational drug use, weed can be very helpful in the recovery process, if need be. I wish you the best in your recovery.

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