How to Wean Off Hydrocodone?

Question by hushlam: How to wean off Hydrocodone?
I’m going to wean off hydrocodone. Been taking about 6-7 10mg pills a day for few months. Does anyone have advice on how to wean myself off and do you think I will experience severe withdrawals? I’m scared. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Jennifer

Well,when it comes to weaning off any opiates….one should expect to experience some amount of withdrawals.
But,if you really want to wean yourself off,and hope to experience less withdrawals(still experience some amount though)?
You should slowly taper off by 1 half a tablet per day until your completely off the Hydrocodone.
This should make the weaning much easier for you,as well as the withdrawals.
Make sure you stay well hydrated during the weaning process,and also try to eat a well balanced diet during this process also.Remember? Being scared is to be expected when weaning off opiates/an addiction.So,keep focused on your goal,and taper off 1 half a tablets per day until your completely off the Hydrocodone altogether.Done!
You’ll get there.Just remember to stay focused on your goal….getting off these things once and for all! 1 and a half tablets per day until your completely off.Stay well hydrated,and eat a well balanced diet.Good luck to you.

Hope this helps.
Take care.

Oh,and for future reference? I strongly advise you to never take any opiates again/pain medications that contain opiates.If you do? You’ll have to go through this whole process again,and it might not be so easy next time.You may be severely addicted next time,and things may be really out of control with your addiction(if there is a next time).So,try to avoid using any opiates in your future.

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