Heroin Addiction Help: Marti Pellow on Hope, His New Album of Showtunes

Marti Pellow on Hope, his new album of showtunes
Filed under: heroin addiction help

I couldn't help thinking back to when the streets round the shipyards were just a sea o' bunnets. The barmaids in the … Pellow, who had a well-publicised heroin addiction, has just marked the 14th anniversary of his quitting drink and drugs. “It …


Professor: Genetic mutations can amplify drug addictions
Filed under: heroin addiction help

But scientists realized addiction in the brain was "much more complicated" than decoding dopamine circuitry, so they began looking at genetic mutations that might play a role. "Clearly there is not one gene that makes someone a heroin abuser," Hurd …


Seeking heroin treatment Dallas? Watch this video

Our dual diagnosis program is so effective, our patients have a higher rate of recovery than other treatment methods. Using research and evidence based metho…


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