Dr Frank Philadelphia Addiction Psychologist

Dr Frank Philadelphia Addiction Psychologist

Dr. Jeremy Frank is a licensed psychologist and certified addiction counselor with a private practice in Philadelphia and the Main Line. providing treatment for substance abuse addiction and other mental health disorders. He specializes in alcoholism and drug dependence providing intervention, harm reduction, controlled drinking, moderation management, twelve step (12-step) recovery and abstinence based approaches. He works with psychiatrists, therapists rehabs and other treatment centers to provide inpatient and outpatient counseling and therapy for all sorts of addiction including heroin, cocaine, marijuana, oxycontin, opiate, gambling, food addiction, eating disorders and other mental health concerns most typically depression, stress, anxiety and relationship issues. Dr. Frank uses cognitive behavioral and relapse prevention techniques.While Dr. Frank is not a psychiatrist he works closely with medical professionals who provide Suboxone for opiate addiction. He is over twenty years clean and sober himself so he has the personal research to back up his professional pedigree.


Wolvesmouth Gets the New Yorker Treatment
Filed under: food addiction treatment

After scribing successful profiles of local food pros such as Jonathan Gold and Baja's Javier Plascencia, the New Yorker's Dana Goodyear once again helps to bolster L.A.'s international culinary cred with her latest subject: our own Chef of the Year …


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