Free Drug Rehabs: Why Is Sexual Harassment So Common in Egypt?

Question by Coolyo: Why is Sexual Harassment so common in Egypt?
I have been reading some articles and watching some youtube videos, and why is this happening, when the religion says people are supposed to be MODEST????

Why these retards doing these disgusting things to poor innocent women?

How will this stop?

@ A, funny how you are trying to deter the convo!

girlfriends and boyfriends don’t have anything to do with sex! And Out of the many, many questions I asked, I asked only 1 question, and it was about Virginity (mainly because I was seeing too many people that were claiming to do bad things, and I wanted to tell them it was wrong)!

So don’t make up crap! This has nothing to do with the message!

You should grow up…

Best answer:

Answer by Sexy Chick
i think its because there are alot of poor people

i really feel sorry for egyptians 🙁

in cairo, there are 300000 people who live in the graveyards…..

i really feel sorry for them 🙁

????? ??? ????? ???? ???????? ??? ???? ???

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