Drug Treatment Malibu California

Drug Treatment Malibu California

Get an effective drug & alcohol treatment program catered to your personalized needs at Cliffside Malibu, CA. Speak with a counselor today at www.cliffsidemalibu.com to inquire about our successful drug rehab services.


Rehab or jail: Drug-addicts to have choice
Filed under: drug rehab services

A bill will be submitted to the State Duma next year, says Viktor Ivanov, the head of the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN). Prosecution of individuals who appear in public while being intoxicated is common in Europe and the US, the anti-drugs chief …


Mayor To Hoteliers: 'Be Diligent'
Filed under: drug rehab services

… Thallemer went to the Economy Inn where police and fire officials were on scene. He then returned to his office and drafted a letter to all local hotels and motels noting, “Cooking methamphetamine is an extremely dangerous homemade method of …


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