World's Biggest Independent Drug Use Survey Is Launched

World's biggest independent drug use survey is launched
Filed under: ketamine addiction

Drugs covered by the survey include cocaine, ecstasy, cannabis, ketamine, mephedrone, alcohol, tobacco, "legal highs" and prescription medicines such as temazepam, Viagra and opioid painkillers. You can access the 2013 drug … GDS, which was created …


Voting Day: A Chance to End the Madness
Filed under: ketamine addiction

Many people also fail to understand that our kids are increasingly turning to easily-manufactured amphetamine-style drugs — some of the most harmful, dangerous, and addictive drugs on the planet. A 2010 report from the United Nations Office on Drugs …


2) often an illegal substance that causes addiction, habituation, or a marked
Filed under: ketamine addiction

We seem to be in a society where it is very easy to go the route of criminalisation (such as ketamine in 2006) but there are very little instances of the other way round. Cigarettes and alcohol in large amounts cause serious, even fatal damage to our …


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