Streat Wise: Community Cafe Helps Homeless Youth Find Their Feet

Streat wise: Community cafe helps homeless youth find their feet
Filed under: help for drug addicts

''They were taking in people of a level they couldn't care for, like drug addicts or people with severe mental issues.'' Fast-forward to March 2013 and Hannah has successfully completed the Streat course with a Certificate II in Hospitality, is walking …


Cross country tour makes stop in Victorville
Filed under: help for drug addicts

Vargas graduated from the MHS Victor Valley Center for Change on Tuesday, along with six other recovering substance abusers during the second stop of a nationwide tour to highlight National Drug Court Month. The graduation was held at High Desert …


Editorial: Critical review: New county needle exchange program starts with
Filed under: help for drug addicts

The furor over the program erupted in January, following reports by Santa Cruz neighbors, and the Sentinel, that the program was providing a virtually limitless supply of needles to drug addicts — and that used syringes were ending up on local beaches …


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