Methadone Clinic Reaches Out to Tomah Heroin Abusers

Methadone clinic reaches out to Tomah heroin abusers
Filed under: drug addiction programs

"Most of (our investigator's) time was taken up with drug investigations," Revels said. AMS advocates a medication-assisted treatment program to help opiate addicts kick their addiction. "Its purpose is to bring people who are abusing opiates—whether …


Sheriff phasing out DARE program
Filed under: drug addiction programs

It's phasing out the national Drug Abuse Resistance Education program. DARE is a comprehensive drug and violence prevention education program based upon a belief that the only way to combat drug abuse and addiction is through early education and …


Cowlitz County struggling to reverse rise in overdose deaths
Filed under: drug addiction programs

Elizabeth Vaughn, epidemiologist for the Cowlitz County Health Department, said the county is continuing to support its local partnerships with Awakenings, Cowlitz Tribal Treatment, the Drug Abuse Prevention Center and other programs. “We're always …


Felony Charge Proposed For Mothers Who Deliver Drug Addicted Babies
Filed under: drug addiction programs

Currently in Iowa, if a baby is born with a drug addiction the hospital will contact the Department of Human Services. There is no … Representative Wolfe believes the House should use their power to redirect that money into funding for programs. The …


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