Ketamine Addiction: Delegated Legislation Committee – Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (Temporary Class

Delegated Legislation Committee – Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (Temporary Class
Filed under: ketamine addiction

Our reasons for introducing the order are clear: methoxetamine is a new psychoactive substance, previously advertised as a legal and safer alternative to the class C drug ketamine. By late 2011, the Government, having monitored the situation, …


Lords debate Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (Temporary Class Drug) Order 2012
Filed under: ketamine addiction

The ACMD likens the effects of methoxetamine toxicity to those of acute- class C-ketamine use, including hallucinations, catatonia and dissociative effects. It further indicates cardiovascular effects, agitation, hypertension and cerebellar features …


Amy Winehouse – Caricature Sculpt

She’s now hangin with Hendrix and Joplin. Fixed some video problems I was having with the previous upload


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