How Do You Feel About Whether or Not Weed Should Be Legal?

Question by Jay: How do you feel about whether or not weed should be legal?
I just got done watching a debate video and the guy saying it should stay illegal was retarded,he was comparing weed to cocaine,heroine,and meth.Im pretty sure I have never heard anything about “weed addicts”or people overdosing on weed,then he was saying how he is glad alcohol and tobacco is legal,Tobacco is one of the main causes of lung cancer and alcohol is the number one cause of car accident deaths,have you ever heard of someone dying in a car accident from being high off weed?Give me your take on whether or not it should be legal.

Best answer:

Answer by ThAt MaN oN tHe MooN
Legal? no. Decriminalized? yes. Have i been an avid smoker but don’t anymore because its a waste of time and money and really doesn’t effect me that much? yes. Do i think its bad for people? no. Am i against the use of it because its just stupid? yeah.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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