Does Anyone Have Any Funny Bar-Fighting Stories or Jokes?
Question by Skydog70: Does anyone have any funny bar-fighting stories or jokes?
Mine is: ” I defeated my opponent, and came back later and he was still there….
Best answer:
Answer by cardinalboy97
Bar/restaurant in chicago known for it’s margaritas dubbed “liquid cocaine.” Long story short, this girl was flirting with me and my buddies…her bf was fuming. We (buddies, hot chick and her girlfriends) ended up turning our backs to the crowd and tossing the limes that were in the margaritas into the crowd. From out of no where, her bf comes flying at the guy (not part of our crowd) standing next to us, fists first, pummeling him. Security (with those stupid fast-food type earsets) scrambled and nearly everyone joined in the melee, except us, the ones who actually started the whole thing. We just hauled a$ $ out of there and to the next bar.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Police Seize Drugs, Cash, Vehicle in Glen Burnie Traffic Stop
Filed under: types of cocaine
The officers seized 16 bags of crack cocaine, two bags of powder cocaine, one bag of marijuana, the suspect's vehicle and $ 2,600 in cash. The drugs have a street value of almost $ 900 according to police. Officers arrested Vincent Starlings, 19, and …
Middlesbrough woman threw her drugs from window
Filed under: types of cocaine
Miss Atkinson said that Brady had received a caution in August 2011 for possession of both types of drug, and on March 5 last year for possession with intent to supply crack cocaine and heroin. She was given a nine-month jail sentence suspended for two …
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