Cocaine Statistics: Carl Hiaasen: America's War on Pot Has Gone Up in Smoke

Carl Hiaasen: America's war on pot has gone up in smoke
Filed under: cocaine statistics

Absurdly, the government still classifies pot as a Schedule I Controlled Substance, the same as heroin and cocaine. Federal law … In 2011, according to FBI statistics, a marijuana-related arrest occurred every 42 seconds in the United States. That's …


Puerto Rico governor has activated the National Guard to help fight drug
Filed under: cocaine statistics

A seminar held last month in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, concluded that one of the reasons cocaine trafficking through the Caribbean has skyrocketed—increasing 800 percent in the last two years—is the lack of technology in ports, such as the …


Drugs seizures dropped drastically in 2011 -NDEA DG tells PAC/PEC
Filed under: cocaine statistics

He recalled that in 2010, the Agency seized 1ton, 944kg, 413g, 429mg of Cannabis Sativa and 2 tons, 345kg, 342g, 500mg of Cocaine, while in 2011, there was less than one ton of Cannabis and less than 20 kilograms of Cocaine seized. Jammeh said the …


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