Addiction: Do You Think “Sex Addiction” Is a Real, Treatable Affliction?

Question by Shades of Grey?: Do you think “Sex Addiction” is a real, treatable affliction?
Personally, I think it a bunch of entitled, wealthy men who just want to get their winkie wet with as many women as possible.


(Yeah, I just looked at Tiger Woods’ press conference story… and who can miss poor Sandra Bullock looking out from all the grocery store tabloids??)
LOL, James!! a “Magic” Johnson 😀

Best answer:

Answer by Smoochy loves Pornography
No , I don’t . I think the whole ” Oh but I’m the victim here honey *sniff sniff* I’m in need of serious help ! It’s worse than cancer you know” is pure crap

Next thing you’ll see is Air Addiction . Damn it , it’s too much !!

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