Food Addiction Treatment Centers: Oregon Finds Efforts to Treat Drug Addicts Paying Off

Oregon finds efforts to treat drug addicts paying off
Filed under: food addiction treatment centers

"Oregon is a good state for treatment," said Liz Smith, a 35-year-old recovering prescription-drug addict from Portland who entered an intensive residential program in 2010 and is now sober. "We have an abundance of treatment centers and detox centers, …


Year in Review: Vicodin Triggers Interagency War
Filed under: food addiction treatment centers

Ronald Dougherty, MD, the former director of an addiction treatment center in Syracuse, N.Y., was the first to make the case for up-scheduling hydrocodone combination products in a citizen petition to FDA in 1999. Dougherty felt that he'd seen too many …


Undeserving poor falling through the cracks in Indiana
Filed under: food addiction treatment centers

The 34-year-old Indiana native has learning disabilities and endured a childhood of abuse. Relatives say he was thrown through a plate-glass window … With or without food stamps, he has to scrounge for cash, selling plasma at a blood center twice a …


Festive detox
Filed under: food addiction treatment centers

On the island of Koh Samui in southern Thailand, the only food that makes an appearance for guests at Absolute Sanctuary, a plush, Moroccan-inspired health and yoga resort, is in their minds. … The programme also includes the not insignificant matter …


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