Could Medicaid Expansion Decrease Drug Court Costs, Save Local Taxpayer

Could Medicaid expansion decrease drug court costs, save local taxpayer
Filed under: affordable addiction treatment

William Denihan, chief executive officer of the The Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Services, or ADAMHS, board of Cuyahoga County said he would welcome redirecting the county tax dollars now used to pay for drug treatment. Other areas he said …


Safe Haven gives veterans a hand getting back to 'normal' life
Filed under: affordable addiction treatment

Vazquez-Rowland said it took a couple of years to get funding to house veterans, but the organization now offers housing that allows them to stay in increments of 60 days to two years and vouchers that make private housing more affordable. On June 7 …


Looking beyond addiction in society's moments of clarity
Filed under: affordable addiction treatment

… a staff of five, but time is crucial when it comes to treating an addict. Barnhart speaks of her husband's moments of clarity in the months leading up to his death, the hopeful periods of sobriety when they were unable to find adequate and …


Executive Director – Nova Counseling Services

Hugh, the Executive Director of Nova Counseling Services, shares information on Nova’s addiction treatment programs and philosophy of care. Nova provides alc…


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