Alcohol Withdrawal Treatment: Where Did the Expression “Quit Cold Turkey” Come From!?

Question by Annie: Where did the expression “quit cold turkey” come from!?

Best answer:

Answer by Chey
cold turkey is fattening.

What do you think? Answer below!

Tolerance, withdrawal major warning signs of alcoholism
Filed under: alcohol withdrawal treatment

Drinking to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms is a sign of alcoholism and a huge red flag. When you drink heavily, your body becomes accustomed to alcohol and goes into withdrawal if it's taken away. These symptoms include anxiety or jumpiness, …


Exam time alter egos flare
Filed under: alcohol withdrawal treatment

These people often look lost while mindlessly wandering the hallowed halls of the ZSR and they may be showing signs of alcohol withdrawal. The person on caffeine overload. Everyone has his or her vices during finals season, for many it is caffeine …


An Ounce of Prevention — Essential Tremor
Filed under: alcohol withdrawal treatment

(Tremors can be caused by alcohol withdrawal, overuse of caffeine, an overactive thyroid or certain medications.) There is no specific test for … Once a diagnosis is established, treatment can be specifically tailored to the problem. There are some …


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