AA Benefits Men and Women Differently

AA benefits men and women differently
Filed under: alternative addiction treatment

Kelly and Hoeppner analysed data from more than 1 700 participants, 24% of whom were women, enrolled in a federally funded trial called Project MATCH that compared three approaches to alcohol addiction treatment. Participants in the trial were free to …


There are good reasons to outlaw marijuana
Filed under: alternative addiction treatment

If you don't believe me, ask the parents of many sons and daughters caught up now in addiction. Medical marijuana has been used as a foot in … To the extent cannabinoids are helpful for treatment of cancer chemotherapy side effects or intractable …


Clear Lake Clinic brings best of both worlds
Filed under: alternative addiction treatment

AIA Acuherb tries to provide an alternative treatment by boosting the bodies natural resources and hopefully serve as a preventative source before last-option surgery or pain medication addiction. "We want to educate people about finding a balance in …


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