Why Should Possession Be Illegal?
Question by ?Billy Comrade?: Why should possession be illegal?
I never understood that. If it doesn’t harm anyone but the user and the people that decide to use with them, why should it be illegal? It doesn’t hurt me if someone else lights up some crack, except for when they get busted and I have to pay to keep them locked up then it hurts me.
I’ve heard people say that if they get high like that they could go out and hurt someone, but if they get drunk and go out and hurt someone they would get arrested for that. The same rules should apply.
Punishing the dealer is a different story because someone could argue that he or she is harming another individual by supplying them with drugs, however the user isn’t harming anyone else.
Best answer:
Answer by scott b
Let’s just hope that you’re not driving the car that that person who’s whacked out on crack T-bones in the intersection.
“I’ve heard people say that if they get high like that they could go out and hurt someone, but if they get drunk and go out and hurt someone they would get arrested for that. The same rules should apply.”
That’s right…and you CAN’T be in possession of an open container of alcohol either for that very reason.
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