War on Drugs – Deadly Mexican Cartels Entering U.S: Is It Time for Drastic Measures? Please Read…?

Question by serenely, soMEone: War On Drugs – Deadly Mexican Cartels Entering U.S: Is it time for drastic measures? Please read…?
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Chemical dependence is a miserable reality. The destruction of families and businesses, the violence and crimes committed by addicts to support their habits and, now, militant drug cartels – fueled exclusively by the staggering wealth provided by U.S. users – continues to grow.

The government has undertaken countless, costly measures to combat the problem and, though there has been *some* success, substance abuse counselors and even officers in the War on Drugs admit that the problem is only getting worse.

Is it time to take it to the next level? To fight the root causes and even do things many people (including myself) regard as abhorrent (I also consider war abhorrent, as do most who’ve fought in them)?


The Next Level

The cartels can be killed – very quickly -by killing their market…withOUT legalizing drugs.

How? … Consider This:

1) We set up “zones” with special jurisdiction (such as we do for embassies of foreign countries). Each would likely be just a few acres.

2) Secure their perimeters. I’m talking triple, parallel, 15′, tilt-up, concrete walls with large “puppies” and barbed wire between.

3) Train pharmaceutical specialists to administer pre-counted, pre-labeled doses of the crud.

4) Users would be granted “entry and use licenses” (E&U’s) upon demonstrating a solid understanding of the dangers of each substance and waiving their rights to any tax-payer assistance for conditions resulting from the use of that specific substance.
– – 4.a.) Each E&U card would list the substances that that user has been approved for.

5) Users can enter, party all they want or till they go broke, and then?
– – – > They can NOT leave until they are determined clean and sober (by specific legal criteria).


A) Cartels go broke
B) Users need no longer break the law by using.
C) Doctors and researchers studying addiction and addictive tendencies will have a much clearer and honest picture of the addict
D) Addicts and scholars of addictive tendencies could work together to find cures for substance abuse; e.g. study-groups pick up the tab for all the doses each addict uses – addict signs a release form permitting this specific group to compile his/her data, habits, usage, one-on-one discussions, etc.
E) Addict-slums disappear.
F) Jails would nearly stand empty
G) Addicts would only be hopped up and wild while voluntarily seqestered from the rest of society.
H) Addiction would almost certainly fall.

Long story short, we’d all be better off. For a while, there’d still be some addicts lost to their addiction. But far fewer than now.

Your thoughts?

‘Arm the Homeless’: I value your input and appreciate the video link (still watching it).

But the presumption that users would never “go through all that nonsense”? Are we talking about the same people? I’ve suffered my share of ‘negative externalities’ stemming from dope-heads willing to kill their own mother and prostitute their daughters and ONLY for drugs!

And you think these people wouldn’t rather watch a couple or three 10-minute videos, have a class discussion and take a test as simple as “defensive driving”? That does not compute.

Next, your assumption that millions of dollars would be “wasted” suggests that you didn’t even watch the video you so kindly posted, which alludes to the hundreds of millions (if not billions) currently being spent for nothing.

Citizens hate drugs for a reason: We’re sick and tired of the peripheral crime, deaths, secrecy, violent users, etc. This would end all that.

If you think it won’t work, WHY? Be specific.

Thanks, again.

Best answer:

Answer by St. John Bosco
End this “Drug War”. That’s the solution.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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