Substance Abuse Services: Mental Health Clinic Opens in Eastern Wilco

Mental health clinic opens in Eastern Wilco
Filed under: substance abuse services

That approach to mental health care includes counseling for children, adolescents, adults and families; medication management and access to low-cost medications; peer support services and wellness programs; substance abuse assessment and counseling …


Corps enforces breathalyzer tests
Filed under: substance abuse services

Kimbell said the Marines and sailors found to be dealing with alcohol abuse and dependency will be referred to a Substance Abuse Counseling Center to receive education and prevention services like Prime for Life and outpatient treatment. Although the …


Edwin Willis-Outstanding Performance Award 2008

Edwin Willis has been with the Commission for twelve years and is a Substance Abuse Coordinator for the Homeless Services Transitions Program. As a Substance Abuse Coordinator, Edwin is responsible for overseeing the provision of case management and substance abuse services to the clients of the Transitions Program. Edwin is a mentor to staff and a great advocate for clients of the program. Sharing his knowledge and skills is something that he strives to do and is welcomed by everyone he works with. He always shows initiative and is a great problem solver which is an asset to this program. Edwin has fostered partnerships with many halfway houses, hospitals and other substance abuse programs all in an effort to ensure that clients can be properly referred and receive the treatment they deserve. [Video by Margaux Joffe, Boston Public Health Commission]


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