Substance Abuse Groups: Should I Become a Civil Rights Activist?
Question by Christina: Should I become a civil rights activist?
Originally I wanted to be a substance abuse counselor/Psychologist but now I’m definitely exploring my options and have plenty of time to decide.
I love to help people and I’ve noticed that whenever it comes to issues of race, I always have a statement to make. Always. It’s like I can’t stop myself and then when I’m done talking, I leave them speechless.
I start University in about a month and will be a Psychology major. (Bachelor of Arts)
I’ve done a little research and came up with this definition of a civil rights leader:
“a leader of the political movement dedicated to securing equal opportunity for members of minority groups”
However, I’d like to get opportunities for ALL races, not just the minority.
I see so many leaders like Al Sharpton for example stating most of the time, “The black people this and the black people that”
But what about the asian people? The latinos and latinas? The whites? The other nationalities out there? Do we not all bleed the same color?? Are we not all human??
Does a civil rights activist only tend to the needs of the minorities? Or can they tend to the needs of all races thus resulting us living more peacefully in unity?
I don’t mind persecution. I actually love being face to face with racists. Whether they chose to follow me around in department stores making sure I don’t “steal anything” or whether they shove their staring children away from me as if I’m cursed. Whether they ignorantly assume I’m “ghetto” and “What up?” me, or are afraid to even look at me the wrong way.
Fighting for a cause I believe in will be so much more fullfilling for me, now I’m now knocking the substance abuse counseling, however I think the issue of race and equal treatment in American society hits home a tad bit more. Why? Because I’m an American that’s why! =)
Wow, I think I’m going to write a blog now, ha ha.
Good idea?
Should I become one?
Best answer:
Answer by Adam B
It is almost impossible to be a professional civil rights activist. If you intend to eat, being a civil rights worker will either mean doing on job during the day and then getting politically involved in your free time, or else becoming learning a professional (such as the law) which will allow you to work for the cause of civil rights.
A girl’s got to eat, after all.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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