Substance Abuse Disorder: Battling DUAL DEMONS [Albuquerque Journal, NM]
Battling DUAL DEMONS [Albuquerque Journal, NM]
Filed under: substance abuse disorder
Martinez's life and marriage were falling apart in June when he entered the VA program for veterans who have both post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, and substance-abuse problems. "At this point, 23 years of marriage was going downhill fast," said …
Mental Illness Strikes 1 In 5 Adults
Filed under: substance abuse disorder
Adults who had mental illness in the past year also had a 3 times higher chance to have met the criteria for substance dependence or abuse during that time compared to those who did not have mental illness (17.5%vs. 5.8%) … aged 12 to 17 (8.2%) that …
Public invited to substance abuse program
Filed under: substance abuse disorder
The Blaine County Community Drug Coalition and St. Luke's Center for Community Health have scheduled a special public presentation for Saturday on "the role substance abuse plays on adolescent behavior and brain development." The event is free.
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