Substance Abuse Assessment: Screening Substance Abuse

Screening Substance Abuse

UNM researchers Dr. Florian Birkmayer and Dr. Andrew Sussman have developed a pilot grant aimed at understanding the context in which primary care clinicians screen and treat patients suffering from drug and alcohol addiction, a pervasive problem that primary care providers across the stte have identified as a health care priority.


Greensboro man pleads guilty to counterfeiting
Filed under: substance abuse assessment

Linville was placed on 24 mont hs' probation and ordered to complete a substance abuse assessment. ? Jessica Dawn Nance, 23, of Spanish Oak Court , Graham, entered an Alford guilty plea to three counts of brea k and enter a motor vehicle and one …


Without MVP Joe Haden, Cleveland Browns' secondary is a mess: Bill
Filed under: substance abuse assessment

When he doesn't play, whether by injury, as was the case Sunday, or by four-game substance abuse suspension, play in the Browns' secondary gets really ugly. 2. I think it was Buster Skrine with the trident and net and Sheldon Brown … players figured …


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