Substance Abuse Alcohol: Three Years Sober Considering Drinking Again?
Question by fromthegroundup: Three years sober considering drinking again?
I have been sober from alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs since May 26, 2009. I must admit that life has been pretty unbelievable since. I am now in college, honors program, have since found many hobbies such as photography (night clubs, weddings, events), bicycling, hiking, hang gliding, ultimate frisbee, fishing, swimming, and other things that make me happy. Sobriety has helped me dramatically change my life.
Prior to sobriety my life was an incredible mess. I was a depressed socially awkward loser who was hiding from life via alcohol. You might ask “Then why on Earth would you even consider drinking?”
Well, I have grown so very much as an individual emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically since becoming sober. I have confronted my social fears and have successfully reconditioned my brain to not use an addictive substance in order to handle any given situations as I was before. I just feel that I would like to enjoy a beer or two with some friends. I genuinely feel that if I were to recognize the urge to get drunk that I would stop. I feel as though I have learned complete self-control and would actually be able to drink normally.
I cannot lie that if I were not afraid of disappointing my family I would have actually enjoyed a beer over lunch today.
I know that those reading do not know me, and I have searched the last few days for validation on the internet and through friends and family. But, I am cautious. I am very proud of where I am and I am just not sure what to do.
Best answer:
Answer by cricket
Don’t do it. I’ve been sober since April 28 2008 but prior to that I had numerous amounts of time away from alcohol. Life would get better, I’d feel like a new person and just like you I thought I’d be better able to control it this time…FALSE. I’ve make that mistake too many times and know that i have to be 100% sober. Your drinking may be okay for a couple of times or maybe even a couple of years but things will decline and you will be as bad as or worse than they were before. Go to a meeting and talk this out. The urge will pass.
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