Re: “Knock Out Animal Fighting” YouTube Video Contest

Re: “Knock Out Animal Fighting” YouTube Video Contest

This video was a collaborative effort between two groups; Recycled Love, an animal advocacy & rescue organization located within Baltimore City, and Man Alive, Inc., an outpatient substance abuse clinic, also located in Baltimore. Both groups share the common goal of reducing suffering and instilling compassion & kindness for all living things.


Combating prescription drug abuse is the topic of conference for Kalamazoo
Filed under: substance abuse clinic

They are collaborating with officials from healthcare, substance abuse treatment and prevention fields from local and state organizations that specialize in pain management and medication abuse issues to host a conference titled: "Prescribing Safely to …


National Survey Outlines Drug Use in Schools
Filed under: substance abuse clinic

titled “National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse XVII: Teens,” was produced by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University. The results of the survey were garnered asking questions to 1,003 teens, …


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