Archive for the ‘Substance Abuse’ Category

Is It Possible for a Psychologist to Work in Both Feilds?

Question by icetea: Is it possible for a psychologist to work in both feilds?
like working as a forensic psychologist and a clinical psychologist OR working as clinical and counseling psychologist
if yes does this mean i would have two jobs and more money

Best answer:

Answer by michele
The fields overlap a great deal, particularly counseling and clinical psychology. The psychologist license in most states is not field specific. In other words, in most states, you are licensed as a PSYCHOLOGIST, not as a forensic psychologist, clinical psychologist, or counseling psychologist.

Psychologists need a Ph.D. (or Psy.D.) to be licensed – among other requirements. Though it is technically possible, it really isn’t reasonable to complete two Ph.D.s . You’d want to choose one of those fields in which to do your doctoral work.

As in any other occupation, if you work two full time jobs, you’d get paid for doing two full time jobs. If not, then no.

Should I Leave My Girlfriend Because of Drug Use?

Question by rufa: Should I leave my girlfriend because of drug use?
I should preface this by saying that I am young. I’m only 20, and I feel that I have so much ahead of me. All my life, I watched my mother, my aunt, and my grandmother struggle with their husbands’ addictions to alcohol and drugs. My family has been torn to shreds countless times because of my grandpa’s indirect abuse when we were growing up.

I’ve been with my girlfriend for 11 months now. Everything is perfect. She takes care of me, she’s so good to me. I never even dreamt something was wrong with our relationship until recently. I started wondering when I realized (very early into the relationship) how she managed to stay so clean and ambitious when all of her friends and family seemed very… troubled. They all suffer from a lot of drug use and alcoholism. So it surprised me when she told me that she only has a beer on occasion.

Do LPC’s Counsel People With Mental Disorders or Just People Dealing With Stress, Depression, and ?

Question by ?: Do LPC’s counsel people with mental disorders or just people dealing with stress, depression, and ?
relationship/work problems. Do you need to specialize in mental health counseling in order to counsel people with mental disorders??

Best answer:

Answer by Judy & Charlie
This is a good question that deserves an answer.

I believe you are talking about “Licensed Psychological Counselors” or “Licensed Practical Counselors”. They go by different names in different states.

In the state I live in, the requirement for this job is very minumum. Only a bachelors degree and a year’s worth of training can give someone the ability to apply for and use this license. Therefore, clergy people, drug and alcohol counselors, human resource counselors and school counselors can do this.

Substance Abuse Alcohol: Why Do Celebrities Like Lindsay Lohan or Brittney Spears Go to Rehab?

Question by beautiful bird: Why do celebrities like Lindsay Lohan or Brittney Spears go to rehab?
I don’t believe they have a “drug” problem or “alcohol” problem, they just want to party because they are young and careless. Why do they go to rehab then? To satisfy the public and other people in the business??? It’s not like they are hopeless addicts. That’s why they get out of rehab and are back in the clubs, partying their night away!
Do you honestly think these girls have substance abuse problems??

Best answer:

Answer by Nutty Tommy
Yes as with most musicians and celebrities. Hence why today’s musicians and celebrities suck. We need to encourage our musicians to do more drugs because this straight edge EMO S.H.I.T has got to go.

Add your own answer in the comments!

DWI Center Fayetteville

Substance Abuse Counselor: Psychology Degree or Social Work Degree for Sub. Abuse Counseling? PLEASE HELP!?

Question by Desirae: Psychology degree or Social work degree for sub. abuse counseling? PLEASE HELP!?
I have been trying to do research on my own but I can not get a straight answer. I need to know from someone who actually knows, not an opinion. I want to become a substance abuse counselor and I need to know if I need a psychology degree or social work degree. Also, I’d like to know what kind of job I could get with an Associates degree or BA in whichever one I would need. I know it differs in each state I don’t want to be told that. I want to be told what job I can generally get with an Associates or BA in whatever subject I need to major in. I know this is a lot to ask, but this field is hard for me to navigate on my own. Please help if you can!

I Have a Workman’s Comp Claim…don’t I Have a Choice to Get a Second Opinion?

Question by Capricassy: I have a workman’s comp claim…don’t I have a choice to get a second opinion?
I am feeling a lot of heat from the lady that takes care of my workmans comp claim at my job. She is a bitch. I went to the chiropractor which I was told I have a right to go too and she got all uptight about it. My injury is not healing so i missed my second day of work. She called my phone and left a nasty message. I did everything I was supposed to when following the policy of calling in.

I have never filed a workmans comp. I know it does allow for chiropractor visits. Please do not get on here and say that chiropractors do not work. Because my job’s workmans comp doctor was a DO (a chiropractor)…imagine that!