Archive for the ‘Substance Abuse’ Category

For Drinkers and Smokers?

Question by Kayla L: for drinkers and smokers?
ok many people i know that smoke ( including myself ) smoke an incredible amount of cigs when they drink. does anybody know what it is about drinking that makes you smoke like a chimmney? :o)
i live in downtown kansas city, mo and they didnt ban smoking in bars here, so that just makes it worse, now when i go to a bar that doesnt allow smoking and its the middle of winter, i find myself cutting back a little….
texasnascarcowgirl-yea i find that i go have that “occasional” drink with my boyfriend or friends way to often being that my house is across the street from the bar. its our little hole in the wall, now when im at my parents out on the farm i dont smoke, but when im with my friends…i need to have one!! LOL congrats on quiting though! id love to quit, but i know that it would be extremely hard because my boyfriend and most of my friends smoke, and i again like that “occasional” beer too often. lol

Should Pot Be Legal?…I Think It Should, or Alcohol Should Not…..any Opinions?

Question by hah: should pot be legal?…I think it should, or alcohol should not…..any opinions?

Best answer:

Answer by Certifried!
I agree with that. . . I am an EX-police officer and an AVID pot smoker. . . . I see no harm in it. It should be the same an alcohol. . . . Don’t smoke and drive!

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Drug Rehab Center Utah | Drug Addiction Rehab Centers | Drug Rehab Centers in Utah Drug Rehab Center Utah’s residential program deals with alcohol, drug, and pharmaceuticals abuse with counseling, detox, aftercare…


Related Substance Abuse Professional Information…

Substance Abuse Counselor: Drug and Addictions Therapist?

Question by tangerine: drug and addictions therapist?
I am considering going into a career as a drug and addictions therapist. What kind of schooling/degrees is required?

Best answer:

Answer by Bella Boo
this doesn’t answer your question but, i think the best therapists are the ones who know exactly what their clients are going through by experience, etc.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Michigan Substance Abuse Facilities for Mothers

Thi?t b? cho các bà m? t?i http:.//


Related Substance Abuse Counselor Information…

Definition of Substance Abuse: Psychology Question..?

Question by Stephanie: psychology question..?
okay so i have this project on substance abuse n my psychology class and i need to know who when and how substance abuse was diagnosed as a mental disease

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Substance Abuse Alcohol: Smoking Pot and the Military?

Question by Bryan: Smoking pot and the military?
I just quit smoking pot, and I want to join the Air National Guard. The recruiter asked if I ever smoked, handled, or dealt marijuana or any other drug. I said no… But I have and just quit not long ago. So… Will I not be able to join? Or what… I am applying for an intelligence position. Please help!

Best answer:

Answer by NONYA
its ok, you will have another chance to come clean at mepps station. Problem is so far you lied to the recruiter. Lieing at mepps can be jail and fine.

What do you think? Answer below!

south carolina dui laws first offense

Should you ever end up faced with a DUI charge, your first step should be to use these attorney finders: The services of the…


Related Substance Abuse Alcohol Information…

Are You Allowed to Bring Advil or Ibuprofen to Your School? What Do You Think of What Happened at My School?

Question by Jasmine: Are you allowed to bring advil or ibuprofen to your school? What do you think of what happened at my school?
We’re not allowed to bring any of that to school. One of my friends had about 10 caplets of Motrin in her bag at school. Some teachers did random bag searches and she got a 10-day suspension and 30 days at Douglas for “substance abuse” program. I think this is waaay to extreme and an invasion of privacy. In the beginning of the we signed this paper that we agree to all of this. The whole school did if we wanted our lockers. They don’t have the right to even search bags. Another bad part is that my friend is a senior and this decreases her chance of getting into a good college. It goes on her transcript and all. What do you think?

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