Archive for the ‘Substance Abuse’ Category
If I Go to School to Become a Social Worker, Can I Become a School Counselor?
Question by Christine: If I go to school to become a social worker, can I become a school counselor?
I couldn’t find any requirements to become a “school counselor” but I found social working and psychology programs if I do one of those can I become a school counselor…or if any of you know any school counseling requirements, please help me. thanks
Best answer:
Answer by incubabe
You would have to get a master’s in like counseling, which has to do with Psychology.
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A Career Helping Others Overcoming Addiction Anti-Drug Video
A Career Helping Others Overcoming Addiction Anti-Drug Video; public domain video, public service announcement PSA. NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Pro…
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Substance Abuse Alcohol: Can I Take Tramadol After Drinking?
Question by : Can I take tramadol after drinking?
Best answer:
Answer by aklsdjnlkdfgnalfkbnaldfbkn
Not recommended but you’d probably be fine in lower doses of both alcohol and tramadol.
“Tramadol hydrochloride is a prescription medication approved to treat moderate to moderately severe pain in adults. Currently, tramadol is not considered a controlled substance or a narcotic by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). However, this medication has significant potential for abuse and is classified as a controlled substance in certain states.
Alcohol and tramadol hydrochloride are both central nervous system depressants (CNS depressants). This means they both can slow down brain function. In addition, both substances can cause respiratory depression (shallow or infrequent breathing). Drinking alcohol while taking this medication may increase your risk for serious reactions. This is why combining the two is not recommended.
Substance Abuse Counselor: Psychology Degree?
Question by gridcrimson: Psychology degree?
with a psychology degree, after you graduate what sort of jobs can you get?, and what websites show jobs for psychology graduates?
Best answer:
Answer by duffie_1999
Look up American Psychological Association. There are job listings there and you will see the wide range of employment opportunities.
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UM-Flint 2013 Spring Commencement Student Speaker Patrick Williams (3 p.m. Ceremony)
After graduating from Flushing High School, Pat Williams enlisted in the military. Upon completing his service, he moved to Muncie, Indiana where he began st…
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When Was Marijuana Made Illegal in the U.S., and Why?
Question by Jimmy: When was marijuana made illegal in the U.S., and why?
Who was President?
What was the name of the bill that was written into law?
Has there been any ammendments made to it? (federally)
Best answer:
Answer by Duke
Hmm… sounds like someone is asking others to do his homework for him.
What would your teacher think of that?
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How Can I Grow My Hair Longer Fast!?
Question by Purple: How can i grow my hair longer fast!?
Im trying to grow my hair out.
Its a little past shoulder length right now but it used to go all the way down my back and i would like to have it longer for christmas!
Are there any remidies or tips on how i can grow my hair longer faster or any ways to make it look longer? My hair is quite thin and i colour it fairly regularly but i last coloured it last month and wont be doing so again until a few days before christmas. I am going to my hair dresser today to get the ends trimmed and maybe some layers but are there any good hair masks or products (not to expensive!) i could buy to help my hair get longer and maybe thicker? I only wash my hair once every two days and when i use heat tools i always use a heat protectant.
Any help?
Thanks 🙂
Any Tips on How I Can Grow My Hair Out Longer?
Question by ????Celine????: Any tips on how I can grow my hair out longer?
I want my hair to grow longer to about past my chest area and just above my hips. Are there any tips on how to make grow faster? 🙂 thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Sport4Life
Don’t Straighten it I know a girl who had shorter hair than me last year, but I always straighten mine and she doesn’t, Now this year, hers is about 3 inches longer than mine.
There’s also some sort of products out there i’ve never used them though:)
Good Luck:)
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substance abuse treatment tulsa
This is a psycho-educational addiction and psychological health recovery method readily available 24/7. It’s methods whether that you are normally the one fi…
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