Kicking the Monkey
Okay, so you have this major problem. Maybe its alcohol or it could be some other drug. There are a number of questions that should weigh most heavily on your mind right now:
*Do you really want to quit?
*Are you tired of chasing that nasty old monkey around from place to place?
*Tired of getting reprimanded and maybe even nagged by your entire family?
*Does having this addiction make you feel good about yourself?
*Are you accomplishing any of the goals you set for yourself?
*Do you suffer from a serious lack of funds due to your addiction?
*Is this REALLY what you want out of life?
*Are you tired of being addicted?
*Do you want your life back?
Do the answers to these questions spell addiction? Then it’s time to step up and do something to help yourself overcome. But you really have to want to do it; no one else is going to do it for you. You may think that just because you don’t have money to go and see a counselor or go into a rehabilitation facility that you simply cannot do it.
WRONG thinking!
What can you do?
There are a number of more or less free clinics or health departments where you can receive counseling or YOU CAN HELP YOURSELF. Rather than visiting or hanging out in the neighborhoods with the people you normally associate with (who are likely also addicted) go somewhere else. Get yourself out of the area. Go visit some place different from where you usually go. If necessary, go out of town. Cut ties with your addicted ‘friends.’
You have to make up your mind and take charge of your life to change things for the better by taking slow steady steps in the direction you would like to go. Make a goal for yourself. Take the journey of a lifetime to freedom from the monkey. You will find that by changing your routines, going to other places, and relieving yourself of that situation, a new and better situation will develop right before your eyes.
If you have a friend that is not addicted and does not experiment with addictive products, talk to them and ask for their help. They will help you overcome simply by talking things through, providing you companionship, going other places with you, and helping you to develop new and better interests. They will give you a new direction or outlook on life. When you feel yourself getting weak, call your friend; talk to them. It doesn’t even have to be a friend. Surely, there is someone in this world that you trust enough to talk to. It could be your brother or sister, a distant cousin or an old school mate.
YOU have to gain the control and keep it. No one ever thought to themselves when they were young children, “Hey, I want to grow up to be an addict,” now did they. You don’t want to be an addict either if you are reading this. All you really need to do is to make up your mind, be determined, and trust yourself. You CAN do it.
No one can tell you that it will be an easy thing to accomplish, because it won’t be. But if you follow these steps they will surely lead you to a better road.
Written by Anna Balmos ©2010 Kicking the Monkey Part 1
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(Iowa) Time for Action: Preventing Underage Drinking in Iowa
This video highlights the negative consequences of underage alcohol use, features roundtable discussions with Iowa youth and parents, and gives a call to action for Iowans to participate in local prevention efforts. Thisvideo was produced through the SAMHSA/CSAP Underage Drinking Prevention Education Initiatives (UADPEI) in an ongoing collaboration with States and Territories to produce videos that support local underage drinking prevention communications efforts. Across the Nation, every State and Territory is unique and so are their approaches to preventing and reducing underage drinking. The video project supports the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Strategic Initiative #1: Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness, which states, “… prevention of underage drinking [is] a priority for States, Territories, Tribal entities, universities and communities.” For more information or resources, visit:
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