Definition of Substance Abuse: New CMHS Head Has Seen MH Care From Both Sides
New CMHS Head Has Seen MH Care From Both Sides
Filed under: definition of substance abuse
Paolo del Vecchio, M.S.W., began working as a consumer-affairs specialist at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in 1995 and was recently named head of the agency's Center for Mental Health Services. CMHS. CMHS is part of the …
Addiction to the internet
Filed under: definition of substance abuse
Anyone who spends more than 38 hours a week on the internet using Facebook, e-mails or texts on their mobile phones can be defined as an internet addict. I have just spent eight days cruising the Norwegian Fjords. The most amazing … IA appears to be …
BVU expands alcohol policies, aims for student safety
Filed under: definition of substance abuse
Buena Vista University has expanded its alcohol policies, adding a definition of intoxication and what constitutes a party and changing the amount of alcohol a student of age may have in their possession, according to a report by the student newspaper …
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