Brookhaven Retreat Observes National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
Brookhaven Retreat Observes National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
Filed under: substance abuse classes
On February 24 to March 2, Brookhaven Retreat, a unique residential treatment facility exclusively for women with mental health and/or substance abuse issues, will focus on inspiring healthy eating habits and self-esteem in women. … During Brookhaven …
Pittsfield Prevention Partnership expands alcohol sales survey
Filed under: substance abuse classes
The Pittsfield Prevention Partnership (PPP) plans to step up one of its key youth-led programs to combat substance abuse and other risky behaviors — its underage alcohol sales survey — by doubling the number of surveys per year. "We were doing this …
Kids Who Skip School Are Much More Likely To End Up In Prison
Filed under: substance abuse classes
In juvenile court, the Tribune examined scores of cases in which children had all but disappeared from class before reaching high school, even if they were not officially listed as dropouts. One 14-year-old who was arrested for aggravated assault and …
TOUCH Inmate and Ex-offender Mentoring Program TOUCH is an Inmate and Post-Release Mentoring Program for pre-release and formerly incarcerated individuals. The program addresses issues such as job training, employment, education, post-release housing, substance abuse, and prison mentoring. TOUCH is designed to address the needs of those who have completed their sentences but are at risk of re-offending upon release because they lack the education, job/life skills, and stable family or living arrangements needed to successfully reintegrate into society.
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