Binghamton University Student Stephanie Omezi Visits Habilitat Hawaii

Binghamton University Student Stephanie Omezi visits Habilitat Hawaii

Binghamton University Student Stephanie Omezi visits Habilitat Hawaii in January of 2012. She came all the way from New York to learn about alternatives in substance abuse treatment with her Human Development class. Here she shares her experience after nearly 2 weeks of interaction with Habilitat participants. Habilitat is a renown long term substance abuse rehabilitation program in Hawaii. If you know someone who needs help contact Habilitat. 1-800-872-2525


Arizona's most vulnerable residents in path of budget cuts
Filed under: substance abuse rehabilitation

Health and welfare cuts come primarily from an average 5 percent reduction in federal grants, such as those supporting child safety, infants and toddlers with disabilities, immunizations, substance-abuse and mental-health treatment, and emergency …


Planning board — The City of Henderson Planning Board will meet in the
Filed under: substance abuse rehabilitation

… Community Operations Center's Consumer and Family Advisory Committee meets monthly to assist in developing and revising the mental health plan that drives mental health, developmental disability and substance abuse services for the five county area.


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