Withdrawal From Opiates: Too Much Painkillers?
Question by Sheena: too much painkillers?
So lately i have been taking alot of pain killers lately. i take like 15 in one hour… like i take that much before i go to bed then take like 4 more in the morning. then 5 more when i get home from schoool… and repeat the process. that are the consquenses and side effects of it ? please any thing will help thanks
By the way.. they arnt prescribed.
Best answer:
Answer by H
Yes there are consequences of it….
But your doctor wouldn’t put you on all of those if there wasn’t a good reason…plus they would tell you the pros and cons…and why you were being given them
If you’re taking these just for the heck of it on your own…you need to go to the ER. You’re going to kill yourself doing that.
If a doctor has prescribed these, you need to talk to your doctor about it and ask about weaning off them. You can also see a doctor or psychiatrist specifically for medication management…that’s where they make sure the medications you’re taking all work with each other and that they aren’t dangerous, etc.
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