What Is Opiate: London's Top Ten Drug-Culture Moments

London's top ten drug-culture moments
Filed under: what is opiate

1. 'Confessions of an English Opium-Eater' (1821) Laudanum Had it been called 'I Was a Late Georgian Skag Addict', essayist Thomas De Quincey's account of his escapades on the opiate laudanum might have been less fondly regarded by literary history.


Exclusive: More work ahead on opiates
Filed under: what is opiate

New pharmacy data show the campaign against prescription opiate abuse is going to be a long slog, one that involves more than just closing “pill mills.” In 2012, doses of the drugs issued statewide climbed by at least 800,000, according to data …


Boca Raton Psychiatrist Charged With Trafficking Oxycodone
Filed under: what is opiate

Dr. Cocores is a psychiatrist who specializes in drug abuse treatment and opiate addiction at his practice, Southcoast Psychotherapy & Education Associates, Inc., 5301 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton. Detectives established an undercover (UC) officer …


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