Subutex / Suboxone?

Question by cna1970: Subutex / Suboxone?
I recently read that Subutex/Suboxone can be perscribed by any Doctor for the treatment of cronic pain…. if it is perscribed for pain then it is concidered “off label” reason and the Doctor does not need that special DATA 2000 number they would need in order to perscribe it for “opiate addiction”……… is this really true?
I’ve been taking pain meds for a few years and do have documented pain issues and need my pain controlled but I would like to take a break from the Oxycontin/Percocets for a few months to give my body a break and I heard that Subutex/Suboxone could help me avoid withdrawls and also help with pain.
Which one is better Subutex or Suboxone?
I will go back on my origianl meds after awhile but maybe I can start over with low doses again after my body breathes. Any ideas?
I don’t abuse my current meds… I just want a break.
Is it true that my primary write a script for Subutex/Suboxone that says “1 tab 2xday for cronic pain”? even without a special # ?

Best answer:

Answer by kev
I take it you live in the USA. Open my avatar and see my answer to the question raised on Subutex. Both drugs are synthetic opiates used for heroin addicts. I am in the UK

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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